Nice to meet you!

I'm Liam Findlay

As someone who has dabbled in a plethora of creative ventures over the years, I have instilled in myself a love for all things design and creative related. Design fields I am particularly interested in include UI/UX design, Graphic Design, Illustrations, Comics, Cartoon Art, Animation, and Video Games.

I also love Psychology and Philosophy. Being a naturally inquisitive person, I love to ask questions and dig deep. As a UX Designer my goal is to understand people; how they think, their needs, behaviour, habits, and problems. When this form of inquiry is tied to design, we are able to solve some of the greatest human problems. This is why the field of UX design is such a rewarding pursuit!

My 3 favourite quotes on design:

"Every great design begins with an even better story."
- Lorinda Mamo

“Have no fear of perfection—you’ll never reach it.”
– Salvador Dali

“Curiosity about life in all its aspects, I think, is still the secret of great creative people.”
– Leo Burnett